T-Shirt Printing using Cracking and Expanding inks!
Cracking and expanding inks for t-shirts
can provide branded merchandise with an extra layer of innovation.
We’ve been printing with water-based inks for decades and believe they are just as great at specialty prints as plasticised alternatives. Here you can see examples of cracking ink screen printed we have done, the use of a drop shadow and under print bring the cracks more attention. With some adjustment to the mesh’s and inks we can create bigger cracks and smaller cracks, so whatever result you’re looking for can be achieved. Expanding or puff inks are another great way of adding extra interest to a print and detail, the ink works by trapping air that expands init as the t-shirt is printed, this then causes a puff our expansion.
As with a lot of water-based inks, the better quality and smooth surface the t-shirt is the better the result. So printing on Continental Clothings N03 or EP01 is a great idea, but Gildan’s Softstyle offers a brilliant and cost affective options as well.
If you have a project that requires something special we also have other great inks for t-shirt, hoodie or even bags and tea towels, so get in touch!
Water-based expanding inks and cracking inks require corse meshes and under printing. They can also be tinted with pigment to create different colours.